Demo apartments for developers
Option 1:
Putting images of furniture and equipment elements onto the walls of apartments with pre-finishing to show it to potential buyers. A plan of furniture and wall layouts are preliminarily developed and approved.
The cost depends on the drawing area and the object location.
Option 2:
Includes what is offered in Option 1 with the addition of real elements of furniture, lighting and decor. The list of elements for the purchase is filled in and approved separately.
The cost depends on the drawing area, the object location, the planned number of going out to stores in order to make purchases and the need to set the decor with my assistance.
Option 3:
Decoration of apartments with finishing according to the design project. It includes the development and approval of a design project in accordance with the planned budget and style preferences, the preparation of separate statements for the purchase, preparation and supervision of tasks for related contractors, the acceptance of product deliveries on the spot, the organization of product assembly and the placement of decor.
The cost depends on the total area of the object, its location, the planned number of going out to stores in order to make purchases and the need to involve additional specialists into the implementation process.